Fire Containment Concepts Releases Fire Containment System To Deal With Fires Resulting From Lithium-Ion Batteries On Aircraft

System mitigates risk of onboard fires from electronic devices and their batteries.
Akron, OH (PRWEB) - Fire Containment Concepts announces the release of its Emergency Fire Containment System (EFCS) that addresses the most apparent risk facing the aviation industry today: onboard fires resulting from the use of personal electronic devices (PED) inside of aircraft.
One of the potential safety risks affecting the aviation industry today is the potential danger of fire resulting from the use of PEDs and the lithium batteries that power them onboard aircraft. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has confirmed 144 documented safety incidents involving these devices and lithium batteries.
The EFCS was designed to accomplish three main objectives:
Contain. The EFCS has the ability to contain temperatures in access of 2,200 degrees F as well as the majority, if not all, of the resultant smoke, preventing passengers from suffering from smoke inhalation.
Relocate. The EFCS was constructed with handles that enable users to safely relocate the fire threat away from passengers, crew and flight-sensitive areas.
Suppress. The EFCS has the unique ability to automatically suppress a fire from within. When a possible fire threat is placed inside of the EFCS, the suppression system is armed and if the temperature inside the EFCS exceeds 240 degrees F, the suppression system automatically deploys an FAA-recommended aqueous agent to cool and suppress the fire threat.
If a fire is never fully realized within the EFCS, the suppression system will not deploy and the device may be removed unharmed after safely landing at the destination.
The company’s founder, Brian Burkett, is an aircraft technician with over 25 years of experience in the aviation industry. During this career, he recognized the need of flight departments for a system that would not only contain a lithium-ion battery fire, but also put out the fire and cool the battery to prevent further thermal runaway.
“What makes this system unique is that it not only contains a battery fire, but also suppresses it from inside, preventing possible injuries to passengers and crew from smoke inhalation,” says Burkett.
The EFCS uses all American-made, aviation-grade materials and locally sourced components and is manufactured and certified by licensed aircraft technicians. The EFCS is currently available in two sizes and color options. The ThermalGuard gloves that ship with the system are also available for individual purchase.
The company is in the process of developing a smaller version of the EFCS as well as an even a smaller one for use by flight crews in the cockpit. For more information about the EFCS, check out the company’s web site at
About Fire Containment Concepts. This Akron, Ohio-based company was founded with the mission to design and develop a safety management system that eliminates or mitigates concerns regarding the threat of fire as a result of the use of Personal Electronic Devices (PED) and the lithium batteries onboard aircraft. The company is made up of experienced team of aviation experts, including pilots and licensed aircraft technicians.
Source: PRWeb
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